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úterý, 19 únor 2019 12:05

První pololetí s americkým asistentem ve výuce angličtiny

Nick Azulay v Krkonoších Nick Azulay v Krkonoších

Ohlédnutí za pěti měsíci s americkým asistentem ve výuce na SPŠ Trutnov.

Nick Azulay, americký asistent ve výuce angličtiny na naší škole má za sebou první pololetí, což je důvod ke krátké bilanci. Za první pololetí má za sebou více než 125 hodin výuky v 8 skupinách 3. a 4. ročníků. Uplatil se zejména při výuce reálií a v konverzačních hodinách. Kromě toho zavítal do dalších skupin, kde krátce představil sebe a americkou kulturu, ale také informoval studenty o možnostech studia v USA. Pomohl také zorganizovat on-line prohlídku Edisonovy laboratoře pro naše studenty. Součástí jeho pobytu byly také aktivity, organizované Fulbrightovou nadací, např. konference o mediální gramotnosti a fake news, z níž si přivezl cenné poznatky pro výuku. Ve volném čase se pak věnoval hraní v kapele, objevování krás Trutnovska a v posledním době zimním sportům.

Své dosavadní působení sám shrnul takto:

As the halfway point of the school year approaches, I am quite happy to report that living in Trutnov and teaching here at Střední průmyslová škola Trutnov has been a tremendous opportunity, and is going excellently! While I know I am the teacher and it is the students who should be learning, I have to say that I have learned a tremendous amount as well from my students! As a young adult teaching abroad, I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of getting to teach students about my own culture in the English language, but also to learn about my students' culture, values, likes and dislikes, and everything in between. It's both humbling and comforting to find that among the ways in which our two cultures differ, there are many more ways in which they are similar. 

In our lessons, it has been a privilege working to improve students' conversational English skills through the vehicle of culture. Discussions on everything from U.S. history to comparing Czech and American foods have helped students to develop the vital critical language skills they need to both speak conversationally as well as, for older students, pass their Maturita exams. Beyond discussions, activities like writing short stories have helped students hone their writing skills, while student presentations have helped improve speaking ability. 

In addition to classroom lessons, I am happy to report that English Cub offers students another opportunity to practice English twice a week - always in the form of fun games! These club meetings are designed to meet students at their current language speaking level and help them improve from there. They offer a fun, judgment-free way to improve English conversation as a supplement to scheduled lessons.

Overall, I feel very lucky to have placed in Trutnov, and have greatly enjoyed getting to know the awesome (and especially funny!) students as well as the wonderful faculty at Střední průmyslová škola Trutnov! I look forward to the second half of the school year (second semester, in America!) and the next six months living in the Czech Republic!

Nick Azulay